025.5 – Coin Concede: “To be continued…”

In Episode 025.5 of Coin Concede, Kenny Downey gives a short but sweet call to action.

Hello fellow Coin Concede community! This is Kenny. As you may have heard from our last episode Kevin is no longer going to be a regular host on our show. On top of losing Kevin as a host, it’s been really busy for both Cora and I. We decided to hold off on shows until we are able to get another host and can provide content that doesn’t seem “half put together.” There’s so much to talk about, and we want our content to match our expectations.

That being said, we are reaching out to you, our listeners, for help. If you have any ideas of who you would like to have as a regular host on our show, send us an email, message us, tweet at us! We’re all ears! Since we didn’t have an episode this week, I wanted to personally thank pasuht for his review in iTunes Germany.

Also, we have had our first Patreon supporter, Eric F! Thank you so much for initiating our support through Patreon. We currently have a page up at www.patreon.com/CoinConcede and expect to have it changed and updated with a video once we solidify our new host as part of our crew. Keep an eye out for changes.

I would also ask you to follow us on twitter @CoinConcede or our Facebook page www.facebook.com/coinconcede for updates. Feel free to send in emails to CoinConcede@gmail.com if you have any questions or suggestions. We look forward to jumping back into our weekly shows and providing content for you to consume.

Until then…

Coin Concede

If you would like to contact us, our website is www.coinconcede.com. Or you can write in to our show by sending us an email at CoinConcede@gmail.com. You can also follow our announcements @CoinConcede on Twitter (@KCCO_Gamer and @Songbird_HS individually). Please leave reviews on your podcast catcher (iTunes, Stitcher, etc.) to support our show, and to further support our show, please make a pledge to donate on our Patreon page at www.patreon.com/CoinConcede. Thank you for listening!

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